- Anthropology Job search (at Monster.com)
- http://jobsearch.monster.com/jobsearch.asp? ......
- Anthropology Today : vacancies and opportunities in anthropology (Royal Anthropological Institute, UK)
- http://www.rai.anthropology.org.uk/vacancylink/vacancylink.html
- archaeologyfieldwork.com : Employment listings (at archaeologyfieldwork.com)
- http://www.archaeologyfieldwork.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=employment
- Archaeology - Forum - Archéologie : Employment (from the Swiss Archaeology Directory)
- http://forum.archeo.info/viewforum.php?f=10
- Association for Asian Studies : employment opportunities
- http://www.aasianst.org/Employment/main.htm
- Association for Environmental Archaeology : Vacancies & Job searches
- http://www.envarch.net/links/jobs.html
- British Archaeological Jobs Resource
- http://www.bajr.org/
- Careers in Anthropology: Where the jobs are (Northern Kentucky University)
- http://www.nku.edu/~anthro/careers.html#day
- Careers in Anthropology, "Anthropology: Education for the 21st Century" (American Anthropological Association)
- http://www.aaanet.org/careers.htm
- Cultural Resources Management Network : Jobs (for North America)
- http://www.eculturalresources.com/
- Earthworks.com : archaeology
- http://www.earthworks-jobs.com/archaeology.html
- Ethno:log - job oppourtunities
- http://sonner.antville.org/topics/job+opportunities/
- H-Net Job Guide (academic position announcements)
- http://www.h-net.org/jobs/
- International Institute for Asian Studies Vacancies
- http://iias.leidenuniv.nl/gateway/institutional/vacancies/
- Job announcements - Society for American Archaeology
- http://www.saa.org/Careers/job-listing.html
- Job Digger (Classified Advertisements for the On-Line Archaeologist)
- http://php.indiana.edu/~jowells/jobdigger.html
- Réseau Information Spatiale et Archéologie - jobs (France)
- http://www.univ-tours.fr/isa/pages/offres.html
- Senior staff job announcements (American Cultural Resources Asssociation - ACRA)
- http://www.acra-crm.org/seniorjobs.html
- Southwestern Archaeology : job opportunities
- http://www.swanet.org/jobs.html
- Sheffield University's employment in archaeology page (mainly for the UK)
- http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/academic/A-C/ap/resource/jobs.html
- Shovelbums
- ("when someone knows of a project, anywhere, with the word out for hires, this is the place to announce or find it, and it comes right to your mailbox." - see also under Discussion Lists)
- http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/shovelbums
- Times Higher Education Supplement - Jobs
- http://www.thesjobs.co.uk/
- Underwater Archaeology and Maritime History Jobs
- http://www.geocities.com/underwaterarchaeologyjobs/
- United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
- http://www.undp.org/mainundp/jobs/index.html
- USA Jobs (official job site of the United States Federal Government)
- http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/index.asp
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Excavating in Saint Dizier (France) a merovingian cemetery © Inrap 2002.